In the present condition of global society, where injustices abound and growing numbers of people are deprived of basic human rights and considered expendable, the principle of the common good immediately becomes, logically and inevitably, a summons to solidarity and a preferential option for the poorest of our brothers and sisters. – Laudato Si’ 158

Outreach Ministries

Elizabeth Ministry

Elizabeth Ministry

Elizabeth Ministry is a ministry that responds to the joys and sorrows of a woman’s life during
her childbearing years.

Homebound Ministry

Homebound Ministry

Our Homebound Ministry brings the Eucharist to those in need, who are unable to attend Mass and receive Our Lord’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in person.

Want to become an Extrodinary Minister of Holy Communion who helps in this ministry? Click the first button below to begin the process of registering as an EMHC.

Know someone who is homebound or in the hospital and needs the Eucharist brought to them? Click the second button to request a visit.

Respect Life

Respect Life

Our Respect Life Ministry is made up of parishioners who work hard in the parish to show that we are a people of life!  The purpose of our ministry is to engage the church and the community in understanding that all human life is precious and has a purpose from conception to natural death…

Not Just Knitting

Not Just Knitting

This group makes warm hats for the homeless and our Food Bank clients. We also make afghans for our Jesse Tree project, bedroom slippers and shawls for nursing home visits, and baby items for Gabriel Project.

We meet the second Friday of each month at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Sharon Risedorf. We offer instruction to those who would like to learn how to knit or crochet.

For more information, please contact Sharon Risedorf at 303.684.0955.

Friends of St. James

Friends of St. James

Friends of St. James is a confidential, caring lay ministry which offers supportive listening to those in our parish with needs.  We provide one-to-one Catholic care to hurting people. Our visits focus on bringing Holy Communion to those unable to come to Mass because of illness, age or other circumstances.  When receiving Holy Communion from a care giver who listens, prays supports and encourages them they feel God’s love and know they are not forgotten.

If you are hospitalized be sure to indicate you would like a “clergy visit”and you will be visited by someone daily from St. John the Baptist or St. Francis of Assisi parishes for Holy Communion and prayer. For additional information or to request to become a Friends of St. James, you can call St John’s parish office at 303.776.0737 or email