Online Giving

Through Faith Direct you can make all your contributions to St. John the Baptist via automatic payment from your checking account or credit card – just as you may do now with your mortgage, household bills, and other monthly payments.  This is a great way to simplify your giving – and it’s the most cost-effective, environmentally-friendly way for us to receive your gifts.

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Unsure or have questions? Check out this FAQs page or watch the video below.


Serving the Church is a beautiful way to make a gift of your time to Christ’s Body on Earth. Anyone can find something in our parish to get involved in!

Stewardship calls us to recognize that all of creation is a gift from God. As stewards, we recognize God as the source of all that we are and all we possess. Therefore, we are responsible to use the gifts that God has entrusted to us in gratitude to God in everything we do. When we apply stewardship principles to everything we do in our daily lives, we put our faith into practice. We participate in God’s Kingdom here on earth and help carry out Jesus’ work.

Ways to get involved:

  • Music ministry (both instrumentalists and vocalists needed!)
  • Volunteers to teach catechesis
  • Food bank
  • Liturgical ministry (Ushers, lectors, sacristans)
  • Altar Rosary Society (helps w/funerals and keeping our altars beautiful)
  • Knights of Columbus (fraternal charity)
  • Youth Group
  • And more!

Many people and resources are out there to help you get involved with our church community and make the most of your experience. Be an active part of the faith that enriches your life each and every day. Get involved and help others build their faith while renewing yours! Please e-mail your areas of interest to

School Endowment

Education is a fundamental ingredient in the overall success of our children. In these times of economic challenges, the need for tuition assistance is even greater than before. Many deserving students at St. John’s depend upon financial help to continue receiving a Catholic education. Nowhere else will our children find the academic excellence, faith experiences, safe environment, and welcoming atmosphere that St. John the Baptist Catholic School provides.

St. John the Baptist Catholic School Endowment Fund was established over 20 years ago to provide tuition assistance to qualified students and their families who are unable to meet the financial burden of sending their children to our school. An initial goal of $1,000,000 was set at that time. Slowly over the years, our fund has been growing. The St. John the Baptist Catholic School Endowment Fund will provide for our school long-term financial stability ensuring every child who wishes to attend St. John’s will be able to do so.

Our Endowment Fund must grow to $1,000,000. At that time, any income in excess of inflation from the fund is to be restricted in use so that it can only be used to provide tuition assistance to selected St. John the Baptist School students. St. John the Baptist Catholic School Endowment Fund will provide for our school’s long-term financial stability. We must ensure every child who wishes to attend St. John’s will be able to do so. If you are interested in helping us in this noble endeavor for the good of our precious children, please contact Lori Jones at 303.981.2328 or


Send me a message!

Lori Jones


Leave a Legacy Gift

Would you consider committing resources to the future of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church and School? Bequests and legacy giving are a major revenue source for many parishes. You can easily accomplish this through an outright gift or a planned gift via your will, revocable trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy.

Your legacy is a reflection of your life, work, and faith. Your legacy gift will honor the organizations or people who have had an impact on your life and will guarantee that future generations have the same opportunities.

For more information or to make arrangements, please contact Mick Shivley at 303.776.0737, ext. 111, or

Purchase Scrip

Purchasing SCRIP provides an easy and painless way to support the school and other parish needs. In contrast to event driven funding, SCRIP provides an ongoing stream of revenue but has virtually no impact to your budget.

Our St. John’s SCRIP program offers a variety of grocery stores, restaurants, and retailers. For most of the year, SCRIP options are tailored to meet the bulk of your needs. For Christmas gift-giving we expand the program for a limited time to include over 30 major and specialty vendors.

You can purchase scrip using cash or check at our school or parish offices. If you would like to use a credit card for purchases, please stop our parish office and our receptionist will take care of you! Everyone wins when the SCRIP program is supported. It is a simple, straightforward way of benefiting our school.

Many of our grocery stores have kiosks that offer gift cards for almost anywhere! The next time you are headed out to the store, don’t forget your SCRIP!