“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” – Acts 20:35

Liturgical Ministries

Please look over the various Liturgical Ministries available at St. John the Baptist and prayerfully consider serving.

The primary duties and responsibilities include greeting and welcoming parishioners as they enter the church, help them find seats, take up the collection and wish everyone a good day at the conclusion of the Eucharistic Celebration.

For more information on how to help as an usher, please contact Maggie Howard at 303.776.0737, ext. 112, or e-mail maggieh@johnthebaptist.org.

Lectors must love the Scriptures and be competent readers to effectively proclaim God’s word, the word of salvation for all people. To become a lector, you may contact Maggie Howard at 303.776.0737, ext. 112 or e-mail maggieh@johnthebaptist.org.

Adult Choirs

Adult Choirs

Women’s Choir –  “Just the Girls” 

For all those in 9th grade and beyond! This choir will rehearse on the 1st and 3rd  Sunday of each month, in preparation for the 4:00 p.m. mass. Practice is from 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Choir Room in Martin Hall.

Grand Staff  –  Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass Adult Choir

For all those in 9th grade and beyond! This choir rehearses every Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. beginning in August.  We meet in the Choir Room in Martin Hall. We sing every week at the 10:30 a.m. Mass as well as major parish liturgical events.

Cantor/Song Leader

Audition only.  Music reading skills are essential.


Audition only.  Intermediate to advanced skills are essential.

For additional information, please contact Maggie Howard at 303.776.0737, ext. 112.  You may also e-mail maggieh@johnthebaptist.org.

Children's Choirs

Children's Choirs

Quarter Notes

A seasonal choir for any child in preschool or kindergarten.

Half Notes

For any child in grades 1, 2, or 3 (Kindergarteners may also participate if you feel he/she would do well with a bigger commitment).

Rehearsals are every Tuesday from 3:45 to 4:15 p.m. in the Choir Room

Whole Notes

For any child in grades 4-8. (Younger siblings are welcome to be a Whole Note IF they have the maturity to handle a longer rehearsal and a bigger commitment.)

Rehearsals are every Tuesday – 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. in the Choir Room.

Grace Notes Bell Choir

Positions will be available in the fall for 5th grade and up.

For additional information, please contact Maggie Howard at 303.776.0737, ext. 112.  You may also e-mail maggieh@johnthebaptist.org.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers

Altar Servers are young ministers who serve at the altar during Mass.  It requires a basic understanding of the Mass and the common prayers included within the Mass.  Altar servers are expected to serve at least 1 or 2 times a month including time before Mass to set up and time after Mass to clean up, but are scheduled according to the server’s availability.  This ministry can also include serving at special events such as weddings and funerals on a volunteer basis.


Boys from 4th grade to 12th grade who have received First Holy Communion.


One-time training available 3-4 times a year; Ongoing meetings quarterly.

Contact information: Please contact Maggie Howard in our Liturgy Office at 303.776.0737, ext.112 or maggieh@johnthebaptist.org.



It is the Sacristan’s role to see to the consistent and proper handling of certain aspects of parish liturgy. In so doing, the Sacristan helps to create a prayerful liturgy for the St. John the Baptist Parish Community, and frees the priest to give his attention to the prayer and to the pastoral care of the people.

The Sacristan arranges the books needed for the celebration, marking all of the divisions. He or she lays out the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles, etc.

This ministry is open to adults who have celebrated Confirmation, and who are free of any impediments to participating in the sacramental life of the Church.

For more information, contact Maggie Howard at 303.776.0737, ext. 112 or e-mail maggieh@johnthebaptist.org.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

As an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, commonly referred to as a Eucharistic minister or EM, lay people can serve the Catholic Church by distributing Holy Communion during Mass. An EM must be a fully initiated member of the Church (having received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation). Eucharistic Ministers serve the Body and Blood of Christ during Mass or Communion Services.

This ministry is extremely spiritual and personally fulfilling. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister please contact Maggie Howard at 303.776.0737, ext. 112 or e-mail maggieh@johnthebaptist.org.


Send me a message!

Maggie Howard

Director of Music