Social Concerns Ministries
The mission of the Circle of Care ministry at LOTW is to reach out and assist seniors and others with special needs such as cooking, cleaning, transportation, or friendly visits for companionship.
For more info call us at 303-973-3969.
Volunteer mentors from LOTW join others in a community effort to end homelessness for families and seniors in Denver. After a financial commitment by the Parish for the 1st month’s rent and deposit and a short training session, mentors meet 7 times over 4-6 months with a homeless family, providing financial budgeting, guidance, relational and spiritual support toward meeting personal goals, leading to self sufficiency.
The Emmaus Ministry seeks to accompany those who are grieving the loss of loved ones on their journey, and with them embrace the comforting heart of Jesus through our Faith community.
The mission of the Funeral Luncheon ministry is to offer support to families during their time of grief when a loved one dies. At this stressful time when the family is overwhelmed, the Funeral Luncheon ministry provides the family and friends an opportunity to gather around the tabe to share food and memories following the service.
Parish food basket drives are conducted annually for the Easter and Thanksgiving holidays, as well as a Christmas present drive. For the holiday food baskets, parishioners are requested to fill a box of food from a list provided by the Parish. LOTW supplies a gift certificate with each basket to purchase a turkey or ham to complete the holiday meal. Hundreds of boxes and Christmas presents from LOTW parishioners are delivered to agencies and churches serving poor and migrant families.
This ministry meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday. We knit and crochet scarves and hats for Urban Peak and Samaritan House; lap robes, and shawls for Nursing homes, and baby blankets, hats and booties for Respect Life, Gabriel Project and United with Migrants. We use donations of yarn for our projects. Everyone is welcome.
The Men’s Club provides a spirit of Christian Fellowship among the men of LOTW Parish and to non-Catholic men whose spouses are members of the Parish. The Men’s Club sponsors Parish social events including Breakfasts, Fish Fry’s, Golf tournaments as well as the Christmas Tree sale. Proceeds from these events go to a College Scholarship Fund for graduating high school seniors and to Parish projects. This group has at least 2 club socials per year, with one being a Rockies game. The club also sponsors a softball team that plays in a Church league.
Sharing in the Sacrament of Communion is a powerful bond for the Church community, and never more so than for a member of the community who is unable to attend Mass due to illness or other confinement at home, hospital, nursing home or hospice. Under the Pastoral Care Ministry, Eucharistic Ministers take communion to those who cannot join us in person for Mass.
Special Sundays during the year are designated as Samaritan Sundays. These provide an opportunity for parishioners to donate specific items to area non-profit agencies that serve those in need. Donated articles such as baby items, toiletries, school supplies, cold weather items and holiday meal baskets all send a message of care and concern from our Church Community to our neighbors.
Aware of the lack of food faced by many in our community, caring volunteers pick up a variety of nutritious food donated by grocery stores, restaurants and other businesses 7 days a week. Distribution and delivers is made the same day to non-profit agencies serving the poor and homeless, including needy families with children. Two hours a day, even one day a month, is sufficient to complete the pick-up and deliver with your passenger car to SUV.
The St. Joseph Job Support Group provides networking, support and fellowship opportunities for parishioners facing a job transition. The group also provides information on available community resources to assist those seeking work, as well as occasional seminars on organizing a job search, improving interview skills, developing effective follow-up techniques and other topics for those seeking new employment. The group meets twice monthly at LOTW.
LOTW is one of several parishes that participate in this ministry. On a Saturday, volunteers gather to make 600 turkey sandwiches. Two sandwiches are put in lunch bags along with chips, cookies and fruit. When finished 300 complete lunches are delivered to the Volunteers of America to be distributed to the needy the following Sunday. This is a ministry that allows families with kids 6+ to help. It takes only 1 – 1 1/2 hours on a Saturday morning.
LOTW has partnered with The Catholic Foundation to provide for future needs and ministries. The Catholic Foundation of Northern Colorado stewards Light of the World Parish Fund. The Catholic Foundation of Northern Colorado was established in 1998 as a framework for current and deferred major gifts and endowments to Catholic organizations. Please visit the Catholic Foundation website or contact Jean Finegan at The Catholic Foundation at 303-468-9885 for more information on how your gifts through the Catholic Foundation benefit our Parish.”
United with Migrants, Inc. is an organization of Catholic Parishes formed to aid migrant farm workers and their families in our area. We seek guidance from the Gospel in serving the educational, physical, health, legal and spiritual needs of all migrants and their families. United with Migrants seeks to reach out to “the strangers among us” by providing their basic human needs according to Catholic Social Teaching. Please join us in working to foster solidarity, dignity and self-esteem with our migrant sisters and brothers.